23 Juni 2013

30 Days Super Junior Challenge

Written by symla
Day 1: Your Ultimate Bias
Day 2: Your Favourite OTP
Day 3: Your Favourite Subgroup
Day 4: Your Favourite SJ Song
Day 5: Your Favourite Super Junior-T Song
Day 6: Your Favourite SJM Song
Day 7: Your Favorite Super Junior-H Song
Day 8: Your Favourite Super Junior K.R.Y. Song
Day 9: Your Favourite Live Performance
Day 10: Your Favourite Album
Day 11: Your Favourite MV
Day 12: A Super Junior Song You Know All The Words To
Day 13: A Super Junior Song that Makes You Cry
Day 14: A Super Junior Song That Makes You Smile
Day 15: A Super Junior Song that Reminds You of the Missing 3
Day 16: The Very First Super Junior Song that You’ve Ever Heard
Day 17: A Picture of Your Favourite Super Junior Subgroup
Day 18: A Picture of the Member You Think Has the Cutest Smile
Day 19: A Picture of the Member You Think is Overrated
Day 20: A Picture of the Member You Think is Underrated
Day 21: A Picture of the Member You Think has the Best “Engrish”
Day 22: A Picture of the Member You Think Has the Best Jawline
Day 23: Your Favourite Picture of Your Bias
Day 24: Your Favorite Super Junior Picture
Day 25: Your Favourite Super Junior Show
Day 26: Your Favourite Dance
Day 27: Your Ideal Boyfriend Out of All the Super Junior Members
Day 28: Your Favourite Super Junior Interview
Day 29: A Super Junior Song You Never Get Tired Of
Day 30: Your Favourite Radio Show that is Hosted by a Super Junior Member

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